Graphic Designing & it’s brief history

Graphic Designing & it’s brief history

Being one of the most learned course as well as the most talked topic, Graphic Designing is the hyped profession in rent times. People are getting out of the “Old Stereotypical” mindset of dreaming about pursuing only selected professions. The youth of now is willing to experiment with various job professions and are trying to settle within them. Graphic Designing is one of them! People are becoming Logo Artists, 3D Animators, Motion Designers etc. Graphic Designing provides a lot more than the above mentioned areas. Some of them also includes Typography, Digital Illustrationist, Digital Arts etc. Graphic Designing is that profession which gives today’s generation a scope which is quite necessary for a modern world like ours.

  • Graphic Designing : - A journey from stone tools to digital tablets.
  • Graphic Designing is not a modern world’s discovery. Yes that’s a true fact. The first graphic design can be traced all the way back to 15,000 BC, when the first known visual communications arose. After which, a variety of artistic forms followed. Some of them are : -
  • Cave paintings
  • Sumerian written language
  • Chinese printing
  • Medieval calligraphy
  • European heraldry
  • Storefronts It improvised in the Renaissance era which is considered as the era where where everything started to move into modernity. Major improvements in each and every area occurred during Renaissance Era. This also helped the boosting of Graphic Designing field. The major additions are: -
  • Gutenberg press
  • First logos
  • First Print Advertisements
  • Chromolithography Then it moved towards the modern era where it’s importance grew and the first graphic designing agency emerged (1903). The contribution of two designing maestros are considered as a new rise in graphic designing world. Those two maestros are : -
  • The Wiener Werkstätte
  • Paul Rand

The Wiener Werkstätte : - An organization who made contributions to design style and business alike, was Austria’s Wiener Werkstätte, which simply means ‘Vienna Workshop’. It was the first such organization of visual artists, including painters, architects, and early graphic designers, which set the precedent for all other collaborative agencies to follow.

Paul Rand : - Legendary designer Paul Rand helped lead graphic design into its current form. He is considered to have his one foot in modernism and the other in post modernism. He posted his theories and ideologies in the seminal work Thoughts on Design, which largely shaped the future of the entire graphic design industry.

Seeing a brief history of graphic designing might have helped you in understanding its importance in current modern times. We can clearly say that coming from an old historical background, this creative field of Graphic Designing has improvised and has stood the test of time.
