How Art Connects People
How Art Connects People :- With Special Reference Of Graphic Designing - 1.
Art, a medium to convey what one feels! It has its sub-categories as well. Art has played a remarkable role in shaping the society since ages. It has shaped itself along with the changing times and has adopted new variations. Art has always accepts every single point-of-view of its admirers.
People of different fields stay connected through the medium of Art, be it Painting, Architecture, Music, Sculpture, Literature or Performing. Art gives meaning to your life. It is one of the various forms of history which stands the test of time.
Nowadays, Graphic Designing is a modern form of Art, which is a trending topic. The field of Graphic Designing is vibrant and satisfying. It is slowly becoming a necessity in everyday life. From Branding to Digital Marketing, one can grow thoroughly. In this blog, let us encounter how Mr. Paritosh Zala :- the founder of Asense Branding got Fine Arts in heredity & how well he is carrying it forward & passing it to his team.
The Zala family is associated with Fine Arts from a very long time. From drawing, painting and sketching manually to making designs and graphics using technology, they are carrying Arts ahead. It all started as a hobby when Paritosh sir’s grandfather Mr. Punabhai Zala started to draw & paint portraits, sketches, handicrafts etc. Even as a hobby, his skills were flourished.

Punabhai made sketches and portraits manually, with pencils, chalks, paints etc. His skills were passed onto his son Mr. Lalit Zala, who also developed sketching & painting as his hobby. Mr. Lalit polished his skills and started to draw manually like his father. But as we know, one needs to change with time, Mr. Lalit learnt how to draw on computer. He adopted both the ways :- Manual & Technology based.
Mr. Lalit’s skilled were passed onto his son and our founder, Mr. Paritosh Zala, who is a double graduate in Fine Arts. Mr. Paritosh also uses manual & technology just like his father. He used to draw & paint as a hobby, which got flourished with time. He dreamt of having his work on printed o huge posters. He then learnt graphic designing and started his firm and earned an experience in this field of 18+ years.